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CBD Merchant Account Or

Payment Processing Account

CBD retailers face unique challenges related to CBD merchant account payment processing. Getting a CBD merchant account shut down can literally put you out of business and it happens more often than you might realize. The key to a sustainable CBD merchant account is understanding the challenges specific to CBD merchant accounts and having an experienced payment processing company to help you solve these common challenges. 

Bottles of Essential Oil

Top Challenge #1

Product Variations & Adjacent Products

It's common for CBD retailers to have wide variety product line. Hemp-based CBD below the .3% THC level can achieve a transparent CBD merchant account through SPS. However, it gets more challenging when there are adjacent products that sometimes disqualifies a CBD merchant account such as Delta 8, Delta 9, Kratom, Mushrooms and others. 


Some of these adjacent products may have a solution, while others may not, but hiding them can get your CBD merchant account shut down and your funds held. Let SPS give you the best, transparent sustainable CBD merchant account solution so you can grow your business.

Top Challenge #2

Health 'Claims'

The FDA vigorously monitors health 'claims' or statements related to CBD related products. Your claims must be general in nature and cannot claim to result in specific benefits or healing without having clinical trials. 


There is a bit of both art and science in systematically marketing the benefits of your CBD products while keeping you out of trouble for non-compliant claims. We're happy to assist and review your product marketing content to help ensure you stay compliant, so your CBD merchant account is sustainable for the long-term. 

Herbal Oils

Top Challenge #3

Chargeback Rates

The card brands have a threshold for all businesses that accept their cards that your chargeback rates should be less than 1%. Most CBD merchant account service providers simply try and split up your CBD merchant account into multiple smaller accounts to 'spread out' the chargebacks. 


Although we can help you with strategies like that if and when appropriate, the sustainable solution to keep your funds flowing is help you with solutions that actually reduce your chargeback rates to under 1%. We've helped CBD merchants do this for decades.


Experience Matters

With decades of experience in CBD merchant account payment processing, we've pretty much seen it all. The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all for a CBD merchant account strategy. Each of our CBD merchant account customers have uniquities to them all and we're there to help solve the tough challenges as your partner. 


Whether its claims, product type, method of sale, fulfillment operations, opt-in vs. continuity, chargebacks, texting validations, or virtually any other challenges, SPS can help you maintain a compliant, sustainable CBD merchant account to keep your funds flowing.  


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